Craniosacral therapy biodynamic

Craniosacral therapy, also known as craniosacral therapy, is a gentle, non-invasive therapy derived from osteopathy. The American osteopaths William Sutherland, Franklin Sills and John Upledger are believed to be the fathers of this therapy. The therapy consists in working with the patient's body, where, by means of a subtle touch, tensions and irregularities in the structures and movements of tissues, as well as the bones of the entire craniosacral system are felt.

According to Dr. Sutherland, the system includes:

cerebrospinal fluid fluctuation
central nervous system mobility
mutual stresses of the dural system
mobility of the bones of the skull
sacral bone movement
The therapist listens to the cranial rhythm, the third independent rhythm in our body, in addition to pulmonary breathing and pulse. It is very characteristic, it is perceived as high and low tide, just like the waves of the sea. It has its quality, power and amplitude. The therapist checks where cranial rhythm disturbances occur in our body and releases them using specific therapeutic systems.

According to the biodynamic approach, our health pattern is stored in the cerebrospinal fluid. If we are ill, stressed, sleep irregularly and eat poorly, our body cannot reach this pattern. With cranial therapy, we can recreate it, which often makes it easier for our body to self-regulate. The essence of therapy is to create an impulse for self-healing and a return to natural homeostasis.
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